FloHo goes Mexico City

Tales of a semester at IPADE

Sunday, February 20, 2005

travellin' prayer

Is the name of a song from Billy Joel that I am hearing every day. It's not downright spiritual or religious, although "God" is mentioned quite often. It is about a man who prays to god to take good care of his girlfriend which is travelling abroad. OK, maybe it has a religious touch, but you could also say "dear forces of the universe" or "dear luck", please take care of my girlfriend, as she is far away and I want that nothing happens to her.

So, no you know.
I am STILL planning to get my PowerBook (see that "my"? Haha). These things are just driving me crazy in a positive way. I am also planning to visit Tine in Singapore before I start the internship that I don't have yet (applications are running, but I still have to write a bunch), this is gonna be real fun. Thinking of Singapore I always get a good feeling - the warmth, the people, the city, the Food Courts... Oh yeah, I will order a green curry, get a cheap starbucks coffee afterwards, take Tine to the Orchid gardens, then to the night zoo, and when the day is over we will walk along the river, have a drink or two and just enjoy being together. This will be GREAT!

I heard of snow falling in Germany and nasty temperatures - well, poor Germans. I already get mad here when the sun is not shining or temperatures drop below 20 degrees... that's suffering on a high level, isn't it?

International stuff

We got visited from two french girls who live with Jaschar in Guadelajara and one friend of him who is from Moore this saturday. Matthew - that's the guy, obviously - was hardly seen, as he stayed in a hotel and met with friends. Stefanie and Anne Clemens stayed with us. It came a bit surprisingly - not that we did not know they wanted to come, but we still had no confirmation, so they woke us up on saturday morning... Hansjörg and I took turns screaming at each other to wake up and get going, but that was not the easiest task to accomplish as we had partied a little bit at the housewarming party of Ricardo - the fabulous guy who took us all around Mexico City, you rememeber? However, we managed to face the challenged and started with a nice sightseeing through the city, including the Zocalo (main plaza in D.F.), the presidential palace, the house of "belles artes", a park, some churches and the museum of Frida Kahlo (were you can see much more paintings of her ugly big husband, which is OK as I could connect to them more). Oh yeah, and we saw the house were Trotzki was murdered, but only from the outside. That took us some 8 hours. When we came home we invited the girls out to dine in the famous "buen pastor", the place were you pay two Euros and get some really nasty good food (nasty because it is a lot of meat with a lot of fat and oil and tortillas, good because it tastes so f***ing great!). Afterwards we went to the birthday party of Ruben, a first year MEDE student living here in the Residencia and had a good time... that lasted until 5 or 6 in the morning, and as I wanted to call Tine a bit later, I stayed up until 9. Gosh, the sun was shining when I crawled in the "custom-made" bad that I had built in Hansjörgs room. Fortunateley, we could sleep a bit longer, as the girls explored the Pyramids were we have already been (I can't remember the name, sorry, it is something incredibly hard to spell). Now they are back with some nice sunburns and aching legs, and it looks like we will show them Polanco (the rich part of D.F.) before they leave tonight.
Oh yeah, tomorrow is finance exam, not the final one, but it counts. I guess it will be a long night :-)