Tomorrow is the last class of "international finance". Hm, the downside is, that as I was failing to hand in enough papers (today I did that the first time), I have to do some extra work to hand in tomorrow - but at least I was given the chance to make up for that!
I should upload some of the Pics from Hansjörgs birthday party on tuesday... that was a hard night, but a lot of fun. The Mexicans learned "Zum Geburtstag viel Glück" (and were pretty good at it!), and although it was a weekday and some people left quite early, we had a very good time. And then... well, let's just say that we started playing some drinking games at 1:30am with those who were still there, and when I finally got in my bed, I could not close my eyes because then the whole world (and my stomach) started rolling and turning and all that nasty ship movements. So I held my eyes open until I fell asleep, which was at least 20 seconds :-)
I also took some short video sequences of the party, but I guess they are a bit too big to have them as a download here. What a shame! But at least I have some specials then to show you when I come home! A little preview:
- Mexicans singing "Zum Geburtstag viel Glück"
- Henning and Hansjörg dancing
- Henning and Hansjörg doing some "Becherexen"
- Hansjörg banging with the Mexicans
Yesterday a collegue set up a MSN account for me, because they are all chatting with MSN here... guess what my nick is? Right: bonner_ipade. Gosh! Now its official! I still have to meet professor Bonner and see if he really looks so much like me... but there has to be some truth in it, because really everybody here agrees on that.
Oh - why did I call that post "Enron"? We talked about the bankcrupt of Enron today. Well, these guys messed up big time. It is so crazy: A BILLION dollar firm, and they set up some nifty firms to reduce their debt (about 2000), and give them names like "Obi Invest" and "Kenobi blabl" and "JEDI" - all that names from star wars... Crazy. Unfortunateley, it did not work in the end, but it worked long enough to fool the shareholders, the banks and the employees and make the managers quite rich. Bastards. Weaselish bastards - but at least with a sense for good movies :-)
Tomorrow is the last class of "international finance". Hm, the downside is, that as I was failing to hand in enough papers (today I did that the first time), I have to do some extra work to hand in tomorrow - but at least I was given the chance to make up for that!
I should upload some of the Pics from Hansjörgs birthday party on tuesday... that was a hard night, but a lot of fun. The Mexicans learned "Zum Geburtstag viel Glück" (and were pretty good at it!), and although it was a weekday and some people left quite early, we had a very good time. And then... well, let's just say that we started playing some drinking games at 1:30am with those who were still there, and when I finally got in my bed, I could not close my eyes because then the whole world (and my stomach) started rolling and turning and all that nasty ship movements. So I held my eyes open until I fell asleep, which was at least 20 seconds :-)
I also took some short video sequences of the party, but I guess they are a bit too big to have them as a download here. What a shame! But at least I have some specials then to show you when I come home! A little preview:
- Mexicans singing "Zum Geburtstag viel Glück"
- Henning and Hansjörg dancing
- Henning and Hansjörg doing some "Becherexen"
- Hansjörg banging with the Mexicans
Yesterday a collegue set up a MSN account for me, because they are all chatting with MSN here... guess what my nick is? Right: bonner_ipade. Gosh! Now its official! I still have to meet professor Bonner and see if he really looks so much like me... but there has to be some truth in it, because really everybody here agrees on that.
Oh - why did I call that post "Enron"? We talked about the bankcrupt of Enron today. Well, these guys messed up big time. It is so crazy: A BILLION dollar firm, and they set up some nifty firms to reduce their debt (about 2000), and give them names like "Obi Invest" and "Kenobi blabl" and "JEDI" - all that names from star wars... Crazy. Unfortunateley, it did not work in the end, but it worked long enough to fool the shareholders, the banks and the employees and make the managers quite rich. Bastards. Weaselish bastards - but at least with a sense for good movies :-)
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